
Executive web platform for visualization and reporting of relevant indicators of your foreign trade operations.

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  • Import-Export

    It shows and graphs by number of IGI and VAT paid, pending, DTA and fines by periods.

  • Economic factors

    Identify monthly differences by number of pedimentos and amounts showing your percentage of Value Added.

  • Display of reports

    Now you can know on a daily basis if your pedimentos are being paid error free.

By importing the data from the .ZIP file provided by SAT, you will obtain the following, with clear graphs and tables:

  • Monthly import and export transactions organized by value, value added, IGI and VAT paid and pending, DTA and fines.

  • Status of pedimentos.

Focused information

  • It allows you to focus completely on foreign trade statistics and generate exportable reports in excel files.

Make important decisions with the necessary information

It organizes information about the import and export situation of your company and transforms the data into schemas that make analysis simpler, where you can monitor the information from any electronic device with just an username and password.

Request a virtual demo here